The Paly Theatre Department offers a comprehensive program that encompasses both classroom instruction and extracurricular activities. Our Program Director, Sarah Thermond, teaches the Theatre 1, Theatre 2/3/4/4 Honors, Stage Tech, and Dual Enrollment (In collaboration with Foothill College) Advanced Stage Tech classes, which provide students the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge under the guidance of an experienced professional.
In addition, Paly Theatre produces two large main stage productions each year, as well as numerous Thespian Club and class related shows. Every other year the spring production is a musical, which includes the participation of the vocal and instrumental music departments at Paly.
Classroom Highlights
Each semester, students enrolled in a Paly Theatre class attend one off-campus, professional production of a play during the school day.
Classes often include instructional units presented by professional guest artists. Examples include dialect training, stage combat work and acting technique seminars.
All classes have public performances for friends and family as part of the curriculum.
Theatre 3, 4, and 4 Honors students also participate in a professionally adjudicated Audition Showcase and TheatreWorks’ Young Playwright’s Project. Theatre 1 and 2 students attend these events. These are particularly unique aspects of Paly’s theatre program and a number of students have gone on to pursue acting and playwriting in college as a result of these experiences.
Co-Curricular Highlights
Participation in Paly productions is open to all Paly students. Additional opportunities for students who cannot commit to a full stage production are described below.
Outreach Theatre
Once a year theatre students have the opportunity to participate in a shorter production designed to interest elementary and middle school students in participating in PAUSD theatre programs. The production is usually staged at Paly. When possible, selected scenes are also performed at the middle schools.
Play in a Day
On the Friday in December when school lets out for the Winter Break (that day is always a Minimum Day) students meet to plan “Play in a Day”. The entire play is written, blocked, staged, and performed within 24 hours (with a few hours of leeway). The one and only performance is on the next night, a Saturday. Play in a Day attracts a wide variety of students, including many theatre department alums!
One Acts
In May students get to try their hand at directing a “One Act” play. These are often student written, but need not be. Students take responsibility for the entire production, from casting, blocking, and costuming, to sound and lighting. Between six and eight One Acts are produced and performed the second weekend in May.
Travel Opportunities
Every year eligible theatre students travel to Ashland, Oregon in early April to enjoy five performances by the Ashland Oregon Shakespeare Company and to participate in theatre workshops. This trip occurs over a Thursday-Sunday weekend. For many students, this is a highlight of their high school experience.
Students also have the opportunity to attend the California State Thespian Festival and the International Thespian Festival every year to compete in Thespys, win prestigious awards, and gain valuable feedback from judges and attend workshops hosted by industry professionals!
Thespian Society
As a chapter of the International Thespian Society, (an honor organization) admission to the troop is governed by their rules. Each September Thespians have the opportunity to participate in a Leadership Conference, which is held locally. Each spring Thespians also have the opportunity to travel to the State Thespian Conference in Southern California. In addition, the Thespian Society at Paly holds monthly meetings, biannual barbeques and supports Paly Theatre in innumerable ways.
On the last Saturday in May the graduating seniors are feted at the Senior Showcase. Each senior is introduced by a more junior theatre student and each senior performs a piece of his or her own choosing. This tradition ensures that the seniors have a heartfelt send off from the theatre department in recognition of their dedication to the program.